You are here: Commerce Manager > Catalog Management > Products Variations and SKUs Bundles Packages Dynamic Packages and Associations > Creating Product Associations

Creating Product Associations

Product Associations help you to highlight certain products in your public site. For example, one or more products can be related to or associated to another product so that these associated products can be displayed or advertised on the public site as a product accessory, or as an up-selling/cross-selling item. Associations can be made from any of the individual products (Product Entries, SKUs, Bundles, Packages, and Dynamic Packages).

To create Product Associations, go to the edit screen of any type of product entry listed above and select the Associations tab. Out of the box, you can associate related products or accessories or cross-sell different kinds of products ("You May Also Like").

CrossSelling Other Products - "What You May Like"

  1. Click on the Add an association button to enter the name "CrossSell" (without the quotes), an optional description and sort order number. Click Save Changes to save and exit the screen. CrossSell should appear in the dropdown menu.
  2. Next select the new association that you just created from the drop-down menu and click on Edit Details.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to add one or more products and select Add Item to save the association. The items you have added to this association will render on the product detail page under "You May Also Like" on the default template.

Associating Related Products and Accessories

  1. Click on the Add an association button to enter the name "Accessories" (without the quotes), an optional description and sort order number. Click Save Changes to save and exit the screen. Accessories should appear in the drop-down menu.
  2. Next select the Accessories product association that you just created from the drop-down menu and click on Edit Details.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to add one or more products and select Add Item to save the association. The items you have added to this association will render on the product detail page under "Related Products and Accessories" on the default template.


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us